Another problem some experts claim is that the size of the crater (1 - 2.1 m deep) was too small for such a big mine.
Haven was pretty much a big mine and a small town.
There are two big mines in the area, near where the old town was located.
After 1906 gold production declined and by 1925 the last of the big mines had ceased operations.
A nationalization debate in the country has called into question future ownership of the biggest mines.
The crane hit two more big mines, both on the right.
Hebi no. 10 Coal mine is one of the biggest mines in the area.
The company runs a far bigger mine on Sumbawa, where waste is also put into the sea.
They shared the task between them, descending first to the biggest mine, by the base of the wall.
In a big mine it is carrying away several tons of coal every minute.