In late-2000, the station took on the area's big three outlets for the first time with the launch of Fox 23 News at 6:30.
The last vestiges of a general strike by merchants in the capital fell away today as almost every shop and big retail outlet reopened.
Orders have suffered from the decline in office construction in the United States, the biggest outlet for new elevators.
Eventually in 2000, the operation would be expanded into a full local news department competing with the area's big three outlets.
And with surprising speed, the music itself changed, gearing itself for bigger outlets by dropping nuances.
Today, I'm the biggest retail outlet of vocal harmony records in the world.
It is the biggest online outlet in a realm that every media giant knows well: video.
They wanted a bigger, more exciting outlet to sell their wares.
Lehman will get a big retail outlet for its stock and bond underwritings and greater marketing capability.
And even some of the big, splashy new outlets are aiming higher as diners become more demanding.