He lost in the general election in Bihar in 1952 despite being one of the biggest philanthropists and progressive-minded kings in pre-independence India.
He was prominent in Houston's high-level business and social circles, setting up a charitable foundation that made him one of Houston's biggest philanthropists.
Hackley became Muskegon's biggest philanthropist.
He is also the 8th biggest philanthropist in Indonesia.
Owns Biovision, big philanthropist?
The art museum coaxed Sheldon B. Lubar, one of Milwaukee's biggest philanthropists, to take up the task.
Drug makers, their images battered by criticism of high drug prices, have become some of the world's biggest corporate philanthropists.
So how can they ever figure that Stephen Ruthley, the big philanthropist and reformer, is the man we all take orders from?
You know, big philanthropist, endow libraries and schools.
After this race, I'm going back and get the habit of being a big philanthropist.