Course, the good news is what with the dark circles and bloodshot eyes you don't hardly notice that big nasty pimple.
His big white pimple had burst, she saw.
Losing makes every mistake look bigger, like a big pimple on your face.
Right at the big pimple on your forehead.
He had a big pimple in the cleft of his chin.
The big day has arrived, but unfortunately, Julia wakes up with a big pimple on her face.
The cup hit him right on his big white pimple and he went down hard on his tail.
He had a big white pimple on one side of his nose, and some red ones on his forehead.
She could almost see the first expression that would pop out on his face like a big pimple when he saw them.
"Are Emmett's pimples bigger than dimes?"