Regional United States banks have also been big purchasers in the past, but demand from that group has recently declined.
That is easy for home mortgages, because Federal agencies are big purchasers of these loans.
The banks and insurance companies, who want to get quality assets, will be big purchasers.
And British companies have been by far the biggest overseas purchasers of American concerns in recent years.
It has at times been a big purchaser of new issues.
After Canada it is the biggest purchaser of American products.
Even so, a big purchaser like Empire has been unable to get all the information it seeks.
They are big purchasers of upstate milk and could shoulder the burden of any price increase.
The day before, Overstock announced that it had raised $16.8 million by issuing stock to a big purchaser.
The Government is easily the country's biggest purchaser of computer equipment.