The biggest shortcoming with pads is that correcting a mistake means rekeying the whole line.
Among the biggest shortcomings of earlier trials has been the failure to control for such disorders, Monuteaux says.
Bianchi declined to comment specifically on the Knicks' biggest shortcomings.
The biggest shortcoming in the group as a whole is a certain lack of the acidic backbone essential to outstanding wine.
But the most ardent advocates of defined contribution plans admit two big shortcomings.
That was the big shortcoming of these men, he'd learned.
The decisive fact for coming into being is the utillisation of the incomplete performance by the employer, be the shortcoming big or small.
Our biggest shortcomings relate to the first method; containing the spread on a global scale.
One of the biggest shortcomings of the earlier minirobot was its wheels.
"One of our biggest shortcomings is that we are hopelessly disorganized."