I thought you'd got a big stash of gold or diamonds hidden away up here.
Found a big stash of bottled water two blocks south.
Professor Skaggs, however partial, says it's at the top, claiming that it is the biggest stash of rare documents.
Ol' Arnie, he had one big stash, and now I got it.
But they didn't get the big stash, and they weren't going to.
We'll divvy at the end," John said, "after we get the big stash, divide the expenses equal.
"What I really love is having a big stash of everything."
But students who want a bigger stash down the road buy courses with the intent of selling them at a higher price.
Or else a big stash, ready for onward distribution.
They were sealed, besides which, I was looking for a big stash of merchandise and tapes didn't turn me on too much.