They are also asked who the biggest troublemaker in their class is.
The biggest troublemaker, Dmitri (Peeter Oja), is a trigger-happy bully who can't open his mouth without spewing abuse.
The biggest troublemaker was Scorpion, a wolfhound that resented being the wheel dog, next to the sled, which was the worst position.
Francis, played by Christopher Kennedy Masterson, is the oldest of the brothers and the biggest troublemaker.
Jondalar could hardly believe this was the same man who had been such a big troublemaker.
Bart tries to end the romance when he discovers that, behind her innocent facade, she is an even bigger troublemaker than he is.
Horris Kew is the biggest troublemaker who ever lived!
Gumball Watterson (voiced by Logan Grove) - A 12-year-old blue cat, and a big troublemaker, who repeatedly does idiotic things but never learns his lesson.
"We asked the casting people to go to the kindergartens with a video camera and look for the biggest troublemakers," Jan Sverak said.
Dinko - Dinko is the leader and biggest troublemaker of the alien gang.