Sometimes it was hard to believe this was the same big-eyed girl who'd spilled hot chocolate all over Captain Picard just a few short years ago.
And there is the mysterious Lulu, Finelli's niece, who has grown from the big-eyed girl in the painting into a ravishing Wall Street tigress.
Narrative imagery revolving around pretty big-eyed girls also has a quality recalling 19th-century fairy-tale illustration.
Matthew Kates, 20 months old, stared at a big-eyed girl in a flowered one-piece who had just poured water over his head with his own yellow bucket.
Markita, a tall, big-eyed girl of 10, went into the A&K grocery store with a friend and got plastic bags to put over her sneakers.
It's a cliché that Japanese animation is populated by big-eyed, big-breasted little girls.
She did not share with him her fantasy of trying Alice before a jury of her true peers, a dozen little big-eyed girls who knew what it was to make mistakes out of no larger sin than the desire to go along and get along.
That big-eyed girl staring at him - when had she gotten old enough to put her hair in a braid?
So one big-eyed girl could walk off with the lot, a girl with no more claim to it than any one of us.
Lisa Frank, in an unrelated interview with The Daily, claimed that " 'We were the first big-eyed girls.