A number of big-name classical performers expressed interest, but their agents wouldn't let them touch it with a ten-foot pole, citing industry controversy over Cope's work.
All the major companies receive most of their revenues from big-name American performers.
Introduced not by new-music specialists but by big-name performers, the concerto is yet another large-scale product of her clear-eyed work ethic.
He was one of the first big-name performers to work on the new ITV network in 1955.
George Steinbrenner craves superstars, big-name performers with track records and attitude on the Yankees.
"The teachers are not your standard 'big-name' performers, although they are very much big names within the New York freelance scene."
The owners tried to bring in patrons by booking big-name performers.
Radio and TV pay only fitful attention to jazz, often relying on the same big-name performers as the festivals do.
A big-name performer can also surprise the graduates' parents.
In its heyday, the club was known for its lavish musical productions, with big-name performers and feathered chorus girls.