Fraschilla said his team was smitten a bit by the ambiance of big-time basketball.
As any lawyer will tell you, this is big-time basketball - 3,500 players, 200 teams.
The serene Midwestern scene does not conjure images of a pathway to big-time basketball.
But that's hardly the only fallout from the arrival of big-time basketball at Montrose.
He has walked into big-time basketball with a gunslinger's attitude and hasn't backed off a bit.
But big-time basketball took the fear right out.
In fact, the 18-year-old senior said that he understood the reality of big-time basketball as well as his family's economic limitations.
The lower rate for big-time basketball and football players confirms that the system is stacked against them.
And maybe it's time for St. John's to get out of big-time basketball, if it makes fans behave that unpleasantly.
It is not certain if the time required for big-time basketball and football could be a reason for the poor graduation rates.