Until then, this town belongs to 250,000 motorcyclists, a virtual occupying army in black leather, boots and tattoos, here for an annual conclave that has become perhaps the world's largest biker rally.
After a courtship that included attending the Kennedy Center Honors in Washington and a cross-country drive during which they dropped into a biker rally in Sturgis, S.D., the couple agreed to marry.
Each spring, Myrtle Beach plays host to two huge biker rallies, a white one and a black one, back to back.
Port Dover is the location of a biker rally which takes place every Friday the 13th.
Two weeks ago, Richard F. Teerlink, Harley's chief executive, drove a motorcycle from the company's Milwaukee headquarters to Sturgis, S.D., to join a mammoth biker rally.
No biker rallies, no special promotions will buck up Honolulu's economy until the day tourists are willing to fly out over long stretches of water again.
For a week every August, the Black Hills town turns into the world's biggest biker rally, maybe 250,000 bikers strong.
In this quiz, we'll talk about the history, geography and demographics of some of the country's most famous biker rallies.
"This one's a little tame compared to others, but we wouldn't miss a biker rally," said Patricia Paul, who, at 58, stretches the definition of biker chick.
A few times a year, they have excellent biker rallies and a bluegrass festival.