They've been designed to be pretty - in some cases, like biker shorts and miniskirts - so girls are wearing them out.
New Yorkers have been sporting biker shorts as street fashion for a couple of summers.
It featured a photo of the mysterious guest wearing a red shirt, tight biker shorts and a smirk.
In School: Ballet in biker shorts.
Still, if she wanted to wear biker shorts, I thought she should go for it.
In 1997, Michaels stuffed gauze in the crotch area of skin-tight biker shorts for an interview while making sexual gestures.
Those who are leaving said they were upset by a proposal to have them dress in halter tops and biker shorts made of body-hugging stretch fabric.
The look you see in other clubs, the polo shirts and the biker shorts, that's really out of style.
"I like the biker shorts because tights make my knees sweat, you know?"
Donna Holden, the family housekeeper, scooped up Sarah, and Ms. Fortinsky, wearing only biker shorts and a towel, carried Rachel and Jacob.