But the networks themselves continue to bar them, even as they run beer commercials with bikini-clad women.
Mark Chavez leaves the group and goes off with two bikini-clad women.
Once accepted, she spent years napping in an on-call room decorated with posters of bikini-clad women.
When he finished at 2:17.57 minutes, more bikini-clad women appeared to applaud.
A pimp character, the Godfather, is preceded into the ring by bikini-clad women.
But push inside through the swinging doors shaped like two bikini-clad women and sentiment clearly rules the day.
Two bikini-clad young women step in their path and ask about all the attention.
And plenty of bikini-clad women to bludgeon to death.
The scenes follow the lyrics with bikini-clad women from all regions of the United States.
The league has announced plans to begin play on June 22, 2013, with five teams of bikini-clad women selected for looks, personality, and playing ability.