The rise in the yen is the currency market's response to a long-simmering bilateral dispute that may yet boil over into some sort of trade war.
One is the insistence that America renounce all its bilateral disputes as part of the round.
India maintains that all bilateral disputes should be resolved without the intervention of third-parties.
Of greatest concern to the senators was Canada's interest in negotiating a special system, separate from other international agreements, for settling bilateral disputes.
Talks with Turkey over bilateral disputes have stagnated after an initial period of enthusiasm.
The decision was a significant diplomatic victory for Macedonia, though it did not address the bilateral dispute over the name.
EU enlargement and the fate of a nation must not be tied to resolving a bilateral dispute over borders.
However, it is clear that without a solution to the bilateral dispute over the country's name its progress down the path to candidate status will remain minimal.
However, most important of all is that bilateral disputes be resolved by involvement of the parties.
Since 1945, the most acrimonious bilateral dispute concerned the control of water resources along the Alto Paraná basin.