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Under the subjective method, the amount of damages is the minimum price the entitlement holder would accept in a bilateral exchange.
Decided to work together to make thorough preparations for bilateral high-level exchanges in coming months.
He said the U.S. looks forward to a detailed bilateral exchange.
As a result, various bilateral exchange and cooperation relations with these institutions have been established.
The unique nature of these bilateral diplomatic exchanges evolved from a conceptual framework developed by the Chinese.
This could be done in part by more bilateral exchanges "to advance international cooperation and knowledge," he added.
So equally important items on the agenda dealt with critical issues like regional conflicts, human rights and bilateral exchanges.
This decision only applied to bilateral exchanges - EU cooperation was not affected.
The improved climate has resulted in increased bilateral exchanges and a series of agreements.
The talks were due to include discussions of measures to reduce tension between the two states and to promote bilateral exchanges.