Without going into exhaustive detail, there are disadvantages to living in a bilingual country.
Thank heaven for a bilingual country, at least in theory.
It added the Kyrgyz language to become an officially bilingual country in September 1991.
Reformers claimed that efforts to create a bilingual country had not worked and that language policy should be a provincial issue.
On 19 December 2006 the government announced a 20-year strategy to help Ireland become a fully bilingual country.
The question was: would Belgium become a bilingual country or a country with two language regions.
Finland is a bilingual country according to its constitution.
His mother tongue in this bilingual (or trilingual) country is Dutch.
Finland is a bilingual country in which the linguistic minority enjoys a high level of protection, as I should like to demonstrate.
The vast majority of Canada is perfectly content - and proud - to be a bilingual country.