When, after a year, we moved away, we wanted him to retain his bilingual skills.
Welsh language and bilingual skills would be built into career programmes with parents being encouraged to take part.
Jilly Curry uses her bilingual secretarial skills in London and Simon Baynes combines freelance photography with working as a telephone engineer.
Mr. Mulroney, who had developed bilingual skills as a child in Quebec, had to take all of his Laval courses in French.
Jobs routinely require bilingual skills, and English textbooks and tests are the norm in many university programs.
Jagr's personality and bilingual skills help buttress Petr Nedved, who did not always seem comfortable on his first three N.H.L. teams.
His bilingual skills and business acumen eventually propelled him to become Head Compradore, a position he held until his retirement in 1889.
There would be opportunities here for a cross-European sharing of expertise built up around bilingual skills.
Today 23.5 per cent of residents aged 15 to 19 have bilingual skills, an increase of 100 per cent in a decade.
Children acquire bilingual skills through play that set the foundation for future learning processes.