Before the move, monthly bills using the same equipment and paying Con Edison directly averaged about $60 two blocks south in a smaller office.
If the sailors had to pay, their bill might average $5,000, according to standard institute rates.
In the first three months of the year, before the Federal Reserve began encouraging higher short-term interest rates, three-month bills averaged about 5.75 percent.
For example an electric bill can average from $119.99 or more.
On Oct. 19, the day of the stock market plunge, three-month bills averaged 6.84 percent.
At the Oct. 19 auction six-month bills averaged 7.21 percent.
At independent colleges, the bill will average $12,500 a year.
Next year, three-month bills will average 6.7 percent, the Bush Administration said, up from the 5.5 percent rate that had been projected.
Her bills have averaged between $300 to $700, which the company says is fairly typical.
At yesterday's regular weekly bill auction, new three-month bills averaged 6.84 percent, but securities dealers estimated the issue would trade with a much lower rate today.