She was usually billed simply as Baby Marie.
Sugar is now billed simply as controlling a "vast business empire" (most of which is actually in property).
Now listed in eighth place, her character didn't even have a name, being billed simply as "Girl", with her dialogue reduced to only a few lines.
For her performances, she was billed simply as Mireille, the single name a common practice at the time.
She is billed simply as "Marijohn" on a few of her recordings.
By 2002, they were billed more simply as Luck & Neat.
Large shipments were billed simply to 'Brewster's Station' for lack of better designation.
For several years the character was billed simply as 'Sinbad'.
They never considered using a working name, so the duo were simply billed as "Gillian Welch".
In its very earliest stages, the band was simply billed as "Manfred Mann".