This makes it easier to work out billing arrangements and, as you won't need to see the employee's phone bill, preserves their privacy.
Contact CAO Office of Administrative Counsel at x56969 to submit such leases for review, and the Office of Finance at x57474 to establish billing arrangements.
Groups of six diners faced different billing arrangements.
In a testy confrontation, Federal prosecutors suggested yesterday that a prominent New York law firm violated professional ethics in a billing arrangement with the Wedtech Corporation.
Mr. Parton, the Florida investigator, said his inquiry found no evidence of kickbacks between vendors and CSX in the billing arrangement.
On Monday, the board withheld as much as $3.2 million in matching funds in a dispute over Mr. Morris's unusual billing arrangement, in which he admitted volunteering his services.
Get all billing arrangements in writing, including costs and payment arrangements, and keep a copy.
Did Hannah say anything about billing arrangements for her session with the girl?
Their billing arrangements for star clients are generally different from the strict hourly fees that are standard law firm practice.
Over the years, that model mutated into far-flung networks of health care providers who contract with one or more H.M.O.'s through a dizzying variety of billing arrangements.