In the more common category, they were only capable of storing "binary" images; any given point on the screen was either illuminated or dark.
A binary image is a digital image that has only two possible values for each pixel.
A very important characteristic of a binary image is the distance transform.
If there are more than two classes then the usual result is several binary images.
Although local decisions are made, the output from a feature detection step does not need to be a binary image.
Punched card data was transferred to and from the core memory as binary images.
Apply a threshold to the 2D field to make a binary image containing:
As we can see, the first bit of a binary image clearly determines which complementary pair it belongs to.
These puzzles are often black and white, describing a binary image, but they can also be colored.
Structuring elements are particular cases of binary images, usually being small and simple.