Although subjects could indicate more than one positive response, we analyzed the binary outcome of one or more hospitalization for asthma.
The most popular statistical technique used is logistic regression to predict a binary outcome, such as bad debt or no bad debt.
Typically, this is much harder to predict, and most banks focus only on the binary outcome.
Relative risk is used frequently in the statistical analysis of binary outcomes where the outcome of interest has relatively low probability.
For binary outcomes C is identical to the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve.
Here enforcement is not the once-and-for-all response with the binary outcomes of a sanctioning system, but a serial, incremental, continuing process.
Let Y denote the binary outcome of adenoma recurrence.
With binary outcomes, the overall measure of treatment effect is typically a difference, a relative risk, or an odds ratio.
The binary outcome was at least one adenoma detected on colonoscopy following randomization.
The primary differences involve the assumptions required about the explanatory variables and the ability to model continuous versus binary outcomes.