Those who know anything about early RPG will know about indicators-- binary switches used to control program flow.
Lyn thus functions as a rheostat that modulates signaling rather than as a binary on-off switch.
Ras proteins function as binary molecular switches that control intracellular signaling networks.
It forms a 'binary switch' with two genes under mutually exclusive expression, as discovered by Barbara J. Meyer.
Users of the MPT8080 enter assembly language programs via binary switches or a hexadecimal keypad.
This version used eight binary switches and a load button for program entry.
Printers and workstations had a series of binary switches known as "dipswitches" for configuration.
The valves within were no longer simply binary switches.
Discrete signals behave as binary switches, yielding simply an On or Off signal (1 or 0, True or False, respectively).
For phonologists, "digital infinity" was made possible by the human vocal apparatus conceptualised as a kind of machine consisting of a small number of binary switches.