The Sphere binds you to another until the death of one.
On Jan. 16, an interim memorandum of understanding was reached that binds the parties until May 20.
It was one of those rare conversations in which two men recognize that their friendship binds them until death.
The following day, both parties agreed to dissolve the contract which bound the player to the club until 2015.
Will the power of love bind them strongly until destiny leads them back together again?
This move proved to be merely cosmetic and there was still no national organization binding the numerous largely autonomous local organizations together until 1913.
The agreement is binding until Nov. 1, 2004.
They both die at the end, but their life forces bind Banko until Shinbu attacks.
It is absolutely essential that we involve them in a decision which will be binding upon the Union until 2015.
It is a framework that will bind us until 2013.