Another beneficial consequence of strong bilayer deformability is the increased Transfersome affinity to bind and retain water.
Gluten content has been implicated as a factor in the staling of bread, possibly because it binds water through hydration.
In this application, it binds water and helps keep xanthan gum uniformly distributed throughout the toothpaste.
The water content consists of adsorbed and chemically bound water.
In 1870 he proved that all varieties of tourmaline contain chemically bound water.
The ability to bind water can add substance to food, possibly serving as a fat replacement.
In hydrology, bound water, is an extremely thin layer of water surrounding mineral surfaces.
Strong (very negative) matrix potentials bind water to soil particles within very dry soils.
Previous studies with infrared spectroscopes have provided evidence of small amounts of chemically or physically bound water.
This includes medium to very fine silt plus clay and the shale bound water.