And if this minimal principle be accepted, there is no other honest course than the immediate rejection of all flesh-foods and most bio-medical research.
Interpharma, representing pharmaceutical groups, described the vote as a "clear indication of the commitment of the Swiss people to continue as a leading country in medical and bio-medical research".
The new study states that while this technique is new, it may have potential for bio-medical research.
It conveys the basic skills necessary for working in the medical sciences and the latest developments in bio-medical research.
Novacam Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) detectors are used in bio-medical research for micrometre-precision tissue imaging.
In manned flight - bio-medical research, space rescue, coordination of experiments and flight parameters for Earth orbiting space stations, lunar exploration, and exchange of astronauts.
More money is needed for proper bio-medical research, like the Whittemore Peterson Institute that found the retrovirus XMRV.
He was interested in bio-medical research and with his sister Vera, planned the establishment of the Clive and Vera Ramaciotti Foundation.
At present, YSMA is the big regional center of excellent quality medical education and bio-medical research.
The meeting will discuss both researchers' and industrialists' views and will also consider the specific sectors of agricultural and bio-medical research.