Beneath the surface, which is nothing but dead cells, is a factory teeming with biochemical activity.
It is likely most of this evolution is also based on biochemical activities that were already present in single celled Eukaryotes.
Enzymes are nature's catalysts and act to speed up biochemical activities.
Stereoisomers, a particular type of isomers, may have very similar physico-chemical properties and at the same time different biochemical activities.
If even one of the three were blocked from biochemical activity with antibodies that attached to them, the virus could replicate.
Anantamide has been shown to made many different types of biochemical activity.
Other yew species contain similar compounds with similar biochemical activity.
It inserts a new message to control the biochemical activity in the cells.
These protein chips are used to study the biochemical activities of the entire proteome in a single experiment.
Two different approaches were taken to address the biochemical activity of inducible PP1α.