The true biochemical cause of cluster headaches is unknown.
The biochemical cause of hot flashes is not well understood.
While some call these children normal, others believe that there is a biochemical cause of their statural deficit that may be treatable with growth hormone.
The middle 1950's saw the beginning of a concerted effort to locate a biochemical cause of schizophrenia.
Some doctors believe that the drugs work because they get at the biochemical causes of depression.
A biochemical cause for Schizophrenia also has been suspected for over a century with no single neurotransmitter being identified.
His research focused on the biochemical causes for mental diseases.
It operates seven laboratories that are examining the biological, chemical, and biochemical causes of certain sociological and psychological phenomena.
Deranged thinking sometimes has biochemical causes, as if the brain were drugging or poisoning itself, and other problems stem from tissue damage.
The pscyhiatrists argue that as more discoveries show biochemical causes of severe mental illness, medical training is increasingly crucial in caring for the sickest patients.