Analysis is usually performed using culture, biochemical and sometimes optical methods.
At the end of the procedure, all evolved protein or RNA mutants are characterized using biochemical methods.
He and three colleagues used light and electron microscopes, as well as biochemical methods, to examine the tissues.
Final confirmation of the species' identity can be performed by various molecular or biochemical methods.
Part II: Correlation between biochemical and immunohistochemical methods and survival.
That most antidepressants invoke the same biochemical method of action may explain why they are each similarly effective in rough terms.
If he chooses to take advantage of new biochemical methods to go into an extended state of deep sleep, nobody else is allowed to prevent him.
The exact biochemical methods by which trans fats produce specific health problems are a topic of continuing research.
FlAsH-EDT2 is a biochemical method for specific covalent labeling inside live cells.
This group's research focused on the study of chemical carcinogenesis, using both experimental pathological and biochemical methods.