There are no known side effects from biofeedback therapy although research into biofeedback has been limited and further research has been recommended.
Several different relaxation exercises are used in biofeedback therapy, including:
The results: After 12 weeks of biofeedback therapy, all of the women had a similar drop in overactive bladder episodes and felt less burdened by their incontinence.
They add that biofeedback therapy "may, in part, target psychological mechanisms involved in urge incontinence."
EMG feedback and thermal feedback are the forms of biofeedback therapy most often used by chronic headache sufferers.
Mr. Martins, who maintains a second home in Miami, was advised to begin computerized biofeedback therapy at the University of Miami.
Psychotherapy (sometimes called talk therapy), cognitive, or biofeedback therapy can all help alter a person's response to stimuli.
"As a physician you should be as comfortable suggesting back surgery as you are biofeedback therapy," explains Dr. Bonakdar.
The lab offers biofeedback therapy for persons with orthopedic and neurological conditions such as spinal cord injury, brain injury, stroke and cerebral palsy.
Sometimes biofeedback therapy can help teach you which muscles to use and help measure your muscle strength.