States with low cellulosic biomass ethanol production may be rewarded grants for research, development, and application of biofuel technologies.
Some scientists and companies such as GE Aviation and Virgin Fuels are researching biofuel technology for use in jet aircraft.
Since being elected to the Senate, Claire has sought to advance the interests of Missouri farmers and farm communities by advocating for common-sense food safety measures, competitive agricultural markets and investments in the research and development of biofuel technology.
Advocate for policies that help Wisconsin companies grow, including working with: Regal Beloit to encourage replacement of inefficient motors with new high efficiency motors; Orion to encourage development of energy saving lighting technology; and Virent to encourage development of advanced biofuel technology.
In 2006 Johnson founded THH, Inc. to research and develop biofuel technologies.
Industry expects these to be more widely used in the future, as more advanced biofuel technologies become commercially viable.
So every time alternative energy sources have a burst of speed - say, through some new advancement in biofuel technology - oil consumption slows down.
As America researches and develops advanced biofuel technologies such as biomass, Claire will continue to work with her colleagues and Missouri producers to protect our nation's investment in first-generation biofuels and the rural jobs they create, thus safeguarding our environment for generations to come.
Factor in the inevitable impact on sugar cane consumption patterns by the projected increases in gasohol as oil prices rise and alternative biofuel technologies become mainstream.
Below are companies that are currently innovating algal biofuel technologies.