Among the show's redeeming features are the biographical statements, some of them quite poignant.
Tsypkin knew virtually everything about Dostoyevsky, but although the details in the novel are correct, it is a work of fiction, not a biographical statement.
A recording of this song by Elvis was released shortly after he died, making it almost a biographical statement.
In a biographical statement Zimmerman also admitted that his motivation for both programmes was partly a personal one; he himself is a victim of fraud.
According the apostolate's biographical statement, mother and daughter were present when the young visionaries said they saw Mary.
Awarding the album five stars, Sounds called it a "touching if idiosyncratic biographical statement" and a "work of humble genius: the best kind".
On request, voters will be sent copies of biographical statements submitted voluntarily by the school board candidates in their district.
Selection to the program is based on a student's written application (including a biographical statement), a teacher's recommendation and an audition.
When one speaks of artists who happen to be women, however, even the simplest biographical statements may be misleading.
She might be a moonlighting as a sculptor because her short biographical statement in the press release says that she is a painter of seashells.