When used for diagnostic imaging, the low intensity ultrasound waves have little to no biologic effect on cells or tissues.
The discovery of the biologic effects of this compound led to a renaissance of the basic and clinical research in Parkinson's disease.
"Progestin" is a general term for a substance that causes some or all of the biologic effects of progesterone.
Although the physiology of intoxication is not well understood, obvious biologic and psychotropic effects demonstrate the plant should be treated like any pharmacological substance.
Asked whether he thought the treatment was a success, Dr. Culver said, "My conclusion is that this therapy had no toxic effects and some evidence of biologic effects."
Some researchers have disputed the contention by others that maternal age itself is responsible through its biologic effects for differential conditions of child health and mortality.
This review complements data on post-operative nausea and vomiting suggesting a biologic effect of acupuncture-point stimulation.
The biologic effect of calcium is determined by the amount of ionized calcium, rather than the total calcium.
Retinoids exert biologic effects such as potent growth inhibitory and cell differentiation activities and are used in the treatment of hyperproliferative dermatological diseases.
The spas of the town have several local and overall biologic effects on the body.