He is also renowned for his pioneering research on coral reefs and their influence on biologic processes in the geologic record.
A scar results from the biologic process of wound repair in the skin and other tissues.
Biologics are created by biologic processes, rather than being chemically synthesized.
Olive mill pomace compost is made by a controlled biologic process that transforms that organic waste into a stable humus.
There are, of course, those who say that while researchers hunt their "mechanisms" - the biologic processes at work in disease - medicine should do whatever seems to work.
Pseudofossils are visual patterns in rocks that are produced by geologic processes rather than biologic processes.
Early in his career, while studying a vitamin B-dependent enzyme, Babior recognized that free radicals might play an important role in biologic processes.
HIP-Ghana embraces the goals of research in support of community based change, and realize that health is a product of underlying social inequality, environmental degradation, and fundamental biologic processes.
In the last few decades, our comprehension of the basic biologic processes involved in wound repair and tissue regeneration have expanded due to advances in cellular and molecular biology.
The team is now in the process of scaling up the operation and believes this process will be more efficient than the biologic process.