Tools available to the general public are on-site test kits commonly used for home fish tanks and biological assessments.
The process of comparing and validating these methods should depend most heavily on the biological assessment.
This type of work plays an important role in areas of pharmaceutical and clinical study, biological, environmental and agricultural assessment and petroleum testing.
The aviation agency conducted a biological assessment with the Fish and Wildlife Service.
"Rapid sedimentological and biological assessment of hydrocarbon contaminated sediments."
In addition, the department is to perform a biological "net assessment" every four years, to evaluate the effectiveness of existing biodefenses and to remedy vulnerabilities.
If the timber harvest could impact a listed species, a biological assessment is prepared by the Forest Service and reviewed by the FWS or NMFS or both.
Royal Manas was one of the earliest focuses of the Bhutan Trust Fund in the early 1990s, receiving infrastructure development and baseline biological and socio-economic assessments.
Studying these factors as a way of evaluating the health of a body of water is called biological assessment.
Rigorous biological assessments are needed to identify metrics for a monitoring program and to set expectations for the water body.