Of course, the Coordinate denied everything . . . but who else has that kind of biological capability?
The results of the war demonstrated the desire of the Soviet Union to continue its pursuit of offensive chemical and biological capabilities.
In the early 1990s, as public awareness of environmental issues increased, Golder added biological capabilities - including aquatic and terrestrial biology - to its range of services.
The President dug himself in deeper: "We did not go to enhance his nuclear, biological or chemical capability."
But the sanctions remain one of the few levers by which the allied coalition hopes to disarm Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological capabilities.
The danger of Saddam miscalculating American will and trying to develop some kind of biological, chemical or nuclear capability has to be considered grave.
Economic sanctions remain the only way to pressure Iraq to destroy its remaining chemical and biological capabilities and to give up its nuclear ambitions.
"We have the biological capability of producing one hundred million new bodies each year."
His summary emphasized the danger of biological weapons as well as the U.S. need for offensive and defensive biological capabilities.
"What about the nuclear and biological capability of each side?"