Some scientists claimed that there was a biological determinant of race by evaluating one's genes and DNA.
He is the world's leading expert on Disgust, and his current work focuses on the psychological, cultural, and biological determinants of human food choice.
Even work which concentrates on the social flexibility of gender relations, often ends up making biological determinants the core of its project.
The essential political issue is not whether homosexuality is a matter of choice or a biological determinant.
Later, he did considerable research on how biological determinants influence political behavior.
Looking for biological determinants of race is nothing new.
"And we haven't answered the question: Is there a biological determinant for why men die earlier than women?"
It basically is a synthesis of these, possibly some biological determinants and social learning.
This view has been chastised by some who claim that notions of kinship are not always based on biological determinants.
In these works, she states that gender is a sociological construct (a set of organized social categories) with both biological and cultural determinants.