Dr. Cameron and her colleagues are careful to say they do not believe adolescent depression is strictly a biological disorder.
She has stated that she opposes homosexuality, in her own words: "I believe homosexuality is a biological disorder, a disease.
According to Mr. Jones, though, "most people feel it is a biological, neurological disorder, but that cannot be proven."
The remaining 15% of comatose cases result from trauma, excessive blood loss, malnutrition, hypothermia, hyperthermia, abnormal glucose levels, and many other biological disorders.
The pulingaws are considered as therapists, who are responsible for mediating and bringing peace to social and biological disorders.
Both theorists insisted dementia praecox is a biological disorder, not the product of psychological trauma.
It covers topics on psychopathology, nosography, chemotherapy, psychotherapy, clinical methodology, biological disorders and mental pathology, psychophysiology, neuropsychology, as well as animal behavior.
Hacking looks at attempts to unmask retardation, autism and schizophrenia as social constructions rather than biological disorders, tracing the conceptual evolution of these pathologies.
Somatogenic - abnormality is seen as a result of biological disorders in the brain.
This is a biological disorder caused by the local heavy salty water containing lot of floride.