She had been very useful, and it was a great relief to finally have her biological needs taken care of on a civilized basis.
The biological need, not for passion, but to be with a man she could respect.
A glider can stay up a long time, perhaps indefinitely if not for the pilot's biological needs.
At first the growth of a child is dictated by biological needs.
Do you know of any other business in the world where a company is in a position to create a biological need for its products?
But by this time, simple biological need was beginning to take precedence over the thrill of success.
What could be "bad" about satisfying our biological needs?
"We're here to bring people closer to nature, and now we can do it even when they have to take care of their biological needs."
The biological needs of this race are largely unknown.
The reason for getting together may be loneliness, poverty, certain unquenched biological needs, or simply love.