And of course because this is biological oceanography it's not as simple as that there is a third category which is bio-intermediate.
Major subdisciplines include hydrogeology and physical, chemical, and biological oceanography.
Critical depth as an aspect of biological oceanography was introduced in 1935 by Gran and Braarud.
The institute is divided in four departments: physical oceanography, marine chemistry, biological oceanography, and marine geology.
Marine biology, biological oceanography, is the branch of biological science concerned with plant and animal life in the sea.
His scientific interest is biological oceanography and particularly the application of oceanography for the solution of problems in fisheries and ocean pollution.
He coined the term plankton and laid the foundation for biological oceanography.
He received a master's degree in biological oceanography from the University of Rhode Island in 1951.
The types of studies carried out were varied and included biological, chemical, geological and physical oceanography, meteorological, and seismic research.
For his outstanding leadership in biological and general oceanography.