Assisted reproductive technologies are their last hope for biological offspring.
As such, parents are never certain which of the hatchlings is their biological offspring.
The expression "the son of your body" for a biological offspring is based on inscriptions found in Mehu's tomb.
Generally, these children are her biological offspring, although adoption of children is a practice in nearly every society.
The traditional family structure in the United States is considered a family support system involving two married individuals providing care and stability for their biological offspring.
I can't remember whether shorty means girlfriend or biological offspring.
So, it is not surprising to any one who knows this history, to believe that the children are his biological offspring.
In some cases, an adopted child is close in age to a family's biological offspring, which prompts more questions.
When are those Cairnies going to concede that nonborns have exactly the same rights in law as biological offspring?
When that happened, he wanted to be in a position to flag and intercept any test results that reported my son wasn't our biological offspring.