Darwin concluded, for example, that the biological similarities between the different races were "too great" for the polygenist thesis to be plausible.
They base their classification system on the biological similarities that exist among species (kinds) of organisms.
Due to the biological similarity between penile and clitoral tissue, significant growth of the clitoris is likely.
The decision to adopt such models generally involves accepting a lower degree of biological similarity with mammals for significant gains in experimental throughput.
As a result, a critical assumption in behavioral neuroscience is that organisms share biological and behavioral similarities, enough to permit extrapolations across species.
"Because of our biological similarities, we were far better equipped to render such assistance than you were."
Can you think of any biological similarity among the plants whose oils are relatively equally saturatedd?
Both groups also share a common skin-shedding mechanism (ecdysis) and molecular biological similarities.
ET-1 belongs to a family of peptides (endothelins 1, 2, and 3) that possess close structural and biological similarities.
Their biological similarity with humans is also key to the traits for which they are valuable as research subjects.