And basic research on why people become obese is intertwined with the investigation of the biological underpinnings of other eating disorders.
DSM-5, has been criticized for purportedly saying nothing about the biological underpinnings of mental disorders.
Mental disorders should not be considered "diseases," though many may have some biological underpinnings.
LeDoux's research interests are mainly focused on the biological underpinnings of memory and emotion, especially the mechanisms of fear.
It is, perhaps, this fear that feeds her second major scientific fascination: the biological underpinnings of mad genius.
It can have true biological underpinnings.
It has been suggested that the biological underpinnings of frailty are multifactorial, involving dysregulation across many physiological systems.
Researchers hope that by understanding biological underpinnings of the disorder they can find more effective medications.
"His approach has been instrumental in advancing our knowledge of the biological and psychological underpinnings of childhood psychopathology, and thus improving its treatment."
"Before looking critically upon the 'picky' neighbor child next door, consider the complex biological underpinnings of these behaviors," urges Lumeng.