The following paragraphs describe the biologically distinct subtypes of GCT found in children and adolescents.
They are human, they are living, they are biologically distinct from their mothers.
One argument suggested successive waves of culturally and biologically distinct people, reflected in the varying appearance of modern day populations.
The concept of racial origin is inherently problematic, being grounded in the scientifically false notion that human beings can be separated into biologically distinct "races".
In particular, the function, expression, and meaning of different emotions are hypothesized to be biologically distinct from one another.
Thus, the presence of a family history of melanoma in a first-degree relative seems to identify a biologically distinct subset.
Brumation is biologically distinct from hibernation.
The Aché are also culturally and biologically distinct from the neighboring Guarani.
Caste (biology), a biologically distinct group within a species of eusocial animal, most often insects.
It is not yet clear whether these arbitrary definitions are biologically distinct or relevant for treatment design.