"Over and over again, we see very different reasons to circumvent what is biologically programmed," she said.
It slips their minds that women are biologically programmed to shop and watch endless celebrity dance/skating/singing/tropical rainforest-based reality TV shows.
They will do that, he argues, even if they can afford meat and even though they are biologically programmed to crave it.
When observing a relatively unfamiliar species, all faces seem nearly identical, and human infants are biologically programmed to recognize subtle differences in anthropic facial features.
We're biologically programmed to do this, to protect ourselves.
As a species, we appear to be biologically programmed to see patterns and conspiracies, and this tendency increases when we sense that we're in danger.
It's possible that we are biologically programmed to put on extra padding when the weather gets cold.
According to Lorenz, animals, particularly males, are biologically programmed to fight over resources.
For those who must stay awake during the hours when people are biologically programmed to be sleeping, the problem is much worse.
"The brain is not biologically programmed to learn to read."