Biologically speaking, a person's color reveals very little indeed about what's beneath his skin.
When I say ' above' I am not speaking biologically.
Biologically speaking, this is not a triumph for the American tradition.
That is, the connection (or synapse biologically speaking) does not need information about anything other than the two neurons it connects.
"I think she was someone who, constitutionally and biologically speaking, was immune to stress," he said in a telephone interview.
Biologically speaking, the ideal age at which to have a baby is between 18 and 20.
Biologically speaking, acne is the same problem regardless of one's age.
Biologically speaking, Darwin wrote, he could "find nothing of interest."
"Biologically speaking, there may be different kinds of post-traumatic stress."
A scientist once remarked that for a male and female to live continuously together is, biologically speaking, an extremely unnatural condition.