More than 86,000 biology majors graduate each year, to compete for entry-level positions in research, environmental monitoring, health care and teaching.
Wait a minute, biology majors will say, a household mirror is flat but the retina is curved.
Had this been an altercation between a couple of biology majors, the story might never have seen the light of day in the news media.
"Most of the students entering our program are biology majors," she said.
The number of biology majors had more than doubled and between 30 to 40 chemistry majors graduate each year compared to two or three in 2000.
In addition to artists, her courses draw biology majors creating undersea scientific illustrations as well as aspiring city planners looking to design buildings.
At Michigan State, Mr. Anderson said, "many of my students who are biology majors can get through by taking multiple-choice tests."
Both Ms. Tadesse and Ms. Ho were biology majors in a course that leads to medical school.
The card had been mailed by Mark Langford, a 22-year-old biology major who is away from home at Palm Beach Atlantic College.
All the bits and pieces that biology majors are always picking up.