Converted debt is then used to fund maintenance and buildup of our biomass resources, carried out in conjunction with peasant organizations.
Beside this, enormous biomass resource provide feeding to the animal and energy demand in the house for example cooking and heating.
It is estimated that renewable and carbon neutral biomass resources of India can replace present consumption of all fossil fuels if used productively.
Convert a biomass resource to useful forms of energy and other products to demonstrate options using biogas or liquids.
Sorbitol is identified as a potential key chemical intermediate for production of fuels from biomass resources.
Many developing countries have extensive biomass resources that are becoming more valuable as demand for biomass and biofuels increases.
One example of a state using its biomass resources for electricity is Maine, where biomass generates a quarter of the state's electricity.
These fuels include solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass resources.
"We are interested in understanding the thermo decomposition of molecules similar to those found in biomass resources," Kidder said.
Align existing regulatory requirements to encourage production and use of California's biomass resources.