The strategic goal of this cluster is to create an ecosystem for biomedical innovation.
The engine driving this growth is biomedical innovation.
Yet Mr. Holmer warns that lower prices would "put biomedical innovation at risk" by cutting into profits that the drug makers need to plow back into research.
FDA released a report containing immediate steps that can be taken to drive biomedical innovation, while improving the health of Americans.
There he worked with fellow doctors Vincent Gott and Charles A. Hufnagel who strongly influenced him and instilled a lifelong interest in biomedical innovation.
MTA of biomedical innovations in a very early stage of development could improve health outcomes, minimise wrong investment and prevent social and ethical conflicts.
I will also name a president's council to monitor stem cell research, to recommend appropriate guidelines and regulations and to consider all of the medical and ethical ramifications of biomedical innovation.
It is a hub of biomedical innovation with state-of-the-art research buildings in its Biomedical Research Center.
His publications focus on the socio-economic impact of biomedical innovation.
Through public-private partnerships, Fondation Générale de Santé is involved in the field of biomedical innovation and humanitarian projects.